Teen Reach Adventure Camp

Camas, WA  ~  serving Clark County


When Is Camp? 

       Girls:  July 25 - 27, 2025        ​       Boys:  August 1 - 3, 2025

Where is Camp?

Our camp is in SW Washington serving youth from Clark County and surrounding areas.  If you are not from this area, please check the national website Camp List to see if there is a camp closer to you.  We do accept campers outside of our area when the camper can be dropped off at 7:30am on the Friday of camp at a location in Vancouver, WA and picked up at 6:00pm on Sunday.  All camps run the same program so it is preferred that campers attend only one location.

What is the Cost to Attend Camp?

We do not charge the campers to attend camp.  As always, we have raised the funds to cover all the costs so that we can operate this camp without charging any fee. 

How do I Apply?

Use the green button above to go to our online camper application.  If the camper has a case-worker, they are the legal guardian and must sign the form.  Use the Save feature on the form and send the link to the case-worker for their signature.  

Return campers have priority placing before May 30.  After that, applications are taken on a first-come first-served basis.  Youth between the ages of 12 and 15 who are in foster care or who have ever been in foster care (reunited, adopted, etc.) or are in kinship care are eligible to attend.

Please submit your application early to ensure your spot and help us with planning. 

What are people saying about T.R.A.C. from other camp locations?

​"My FD said it was the best time of her life, we all cried a few times ! I so appreciate what you did for those kids, thank you!!"

"A foster parent said today that she had never seen her two foster daughters so happy ever and that it was an incredible experience for them. She said seeing them sing the songs on stage brought tears to her eyes."​

Photo of one of our Challenge Course elements

Some local Boy Scouts came out and tested out our facility for our Challenge Course training.  They had a blast.  This is just one element.  It's all low ropes so very safe but loads of fun.